The Speaker Hon. Cosmas Korir yesterday presided over an award presentation ceremony to winners and participants of the just concluded County Assemblies Sports Association (CASA) games. During this ye...
The County Assembly received a delegation from National Water Harvesting & Storage Authority led by the Acting Chief Executive Officer John K. Muhia. The purpose of their visit was to sign ...
Today the Select Committees formed to investigate the proposed removal from office of 4 Members of the Bomet County Public Service met to deliberate on the work-plans which include the schedule for th...
The County Assembly members voted to remove from office through impeachment 3 County Executive Committee members on various counts ranging from gross violation of the Constitution and other laws, abus...
The County Assembly Select Committees on 26, August 2024 conducted a hearing session for the removal from office of Hon. Erick Kipkoech Ngetich the County Executive Committee Member for Roads, T...
The Speaker Hon. Cosmas Korir yesterday presided over an award presentation ceremony to winners and participants of the just concluded County Assemblies Sports Association (CASA) games.During this year's CASA games Bomet County Assembly emerged as th...
The County Assembly received a delegation from National Water Harvesting & Storage Authority led by the Acting Chief Executive Officer John K. Muhia. The purpose of their visit was to sign a contract for the supply, delivery, instal...
Today the Select Committees formed to investigate the proposed removal from office of 4 Members of the Bomet County Public Service met to deliberate on the work-plans which include the schedule for the pre-trial and hearing sessions.Siongiroi ...
The County Assembly members voted to remove from office through impeachment 3 County Executive Committee members on various counts ranging from gross violation of the Constitution and other laws, abuse of office and incompetence.29 out of 38 memb...
The County Assembly Select Committees on 26, August 2024 conducted a hearing session for the removal from office of Hon. Erick Kipkoech Ngetich the County Executive Committee Member for Roads, Transport and Public works and Hon. Joseph Kipngeti...
The County Assembly through its select committees is currently considering the proposed removal from office of the following County Executive Committee Members (CECMs):1. Hon. Erick Kipkoech Ngetich- CECM for Roads,Public Works and Transport.2. Ho...
The Committee on Budget and Appropriation report on the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework for FY 2024/2025-2026/27 and Annual Budget for the year ending 30th June, 2025 submitted to this County Assembly by the County Executive Committ...
The Programme-Based MTEF Budget Estimates (PBB estimates) for Financial year 2024/25-2026/27 are presented to give budgetary effect to Bomet County's 2023-2027 County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP)and the 2025/25 County Annual Development...
The Speaker Hon. Cosmas Korir yesterday presided over an award presentation ceremony to winners and participants of the just concluded County Assemblies Sports Association (CASA) games.During this year's CASA games Bomet County Assembly emerged as th...
The County Assembly received a delegation from National Water Harvesting & Storage Authority led by the Acting Chief Executive Officer John K. Muhia. The purpose of their visit was to sign a contract for the supply, delivery, instal...
Today the Select Committees formed to investigate the proposed removal from office of 4 Members of the Bomet County Public Service met to deliberate on the work-plans which include the schedule for the pre-trial and hearing sessions.Siongiroi ...
The County Assembly members voted to remove from office through impeachment 3 County Executive Committee members on various counts ranging from gross violation of the Constitution and other laws, abuse of office and incompetence.29 out of 38 memb...
The County Assembly Select Committees on 26, August 2024 conducted a hearing session for the removal from office of Hon. Erick Kipkoech Ngetich the County Executive Committee Member for Roads, Transport and Public works and Hon. Joseph Kipngeti...
Bomet County is in the former Rift Valley Province of Kenya. Its capital and largest town is Bomet. The county has a population of 730,129 and an area of 1,997.9 km²